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The Togetherness

The Togetherness

My life is precious because you are a part of my life;
Despondent I am here, without you my beloved wife.
And here comes the day,
you gifted me Eshu, 2 years back;
The cherished memories thereafter,
are like humming a melodious track.
We depart and then we meet,
and then we depart to meet again;
The days we are together are like,
 the desert feeling the scent of the rain.
Soon we all meet; we love, fight and play
and grow fonder of each other every time;
Me and the kiddos are the flowers of this garden,
and you, my darling are the sunshine.
Here I miss the bday of Eshaan,
 feeling lost in the wilderness;
But know the time is close,
when we celebrate our togetherness.
So, my darling family, you three must be counting the days,
As Daddy dear is coming soon, with his quintessential naughty face.
We will together feel the breeze again,
And together we will go on a drive.
And together we ride those hills to the top,
And together we now live the life….:)


  1. Page Rank for this is 6,704,463. :)

    Happy family. Stay blessed.....


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