www.talluk.com They say that the best way to pay back to the society is to create employment opportunities. I believe that one can start very small even by simply employing a domestic help and thereby indirectly infusing the necessary confidence in him/her to take the hardships of the world, head on. A person at work contributes to the entire society by giving a better quality of life to his/her family with the earnings, direct and indirect taxes to the govt which are then used for further betterment of the society and a food for thought for those otherwise empty minds. The whole process creates an ecosystem where the people become self-dependent and inter-dependent at the same time. I have always dreamed of an India which is the epitome of love and harmony. I have seen my world of dreams stumble many a times and yet again it gets back on its feet as if some invisible force is helping it. It dawned to me very recently that the invisible force is nothing else but is ...